Launchpad: Help for new translators

Milo Casagrande milo_casagrande at
Fri Aug 22 17:10:15 UTC 2008


Il giorno ven, 22/08/2008 alle 17.10 +0100, Matthew Revell ha scritto:
> Thanks everyone for your insightful contributions. I'm pleased to say
> that, with your help, I've written a new page on the help wiki:

Wonderful work!

Just some quick notes:

 - The description of the second screenshot ("Russian translation
progress of Ubuntu packages") is wrong... the screenshot says

 - There's a sentence before the "Dealing with unusual characters"
setion that looks truncated:
"If you find a string that hasn't been translated or that you are
certain has been translated incorrectly, you should "

 - Is it possibile to add, at the beginnig when explaining how to find
the team to speak to, that, if a project does not have a translation
group associated, it's always good to keep in touch with Ubuntu's
translation groups, that most of the time act as a counterpart of the
upstream translation groups? (And maybe link to the groups page [1] in

 - Typos for "shortcut", in two places there's written "shorcut"

> We're planning to link to that from the UI. However, this is just the
> beginning: I'd love your help with:
>  * refining the help wiki document
>  * refining the text in the Translations UI itself
>  * coming up with parts of the Translations UI that require further
> explanation and could benefit from some pop-up help in the UI itself.

Not part of the UI itself, but probably useful to talk about: how
launchpad handle thinks like new-lines (\n), tabs and the "blue-points"
representation for spaces and what you're supposed to do (it's written
in the UI, but better say it twice...).


PS: BTW, there's a really nice feature in moinmoin 1.7 for notes,
warnings and so on:


Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande at>
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