Ubuntu vs. Debian translations

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at canonical.com
Thu Jan 25 12:57:30 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Jannick Kuhr escribió:
> Am Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2007 12:36 schrieb Carlos Perelló Marín:
>> I agree that coordination from Ubuntu with upstream not using Launchpad
>> directly is not perfect, but as Sebastian already pointed, we are
>> working hard to improve it every day.
> To be honestly I have not seen any major improvements regarding the 
> coordination with upstream in the last month, but I admit that I don't know 
> the recent development state.

Well, our main task right now is to fix the QA problems that produce
many upstream developers to complain and even ignore Rosetta as a way to
get contributions from.

Also, we created the figure of an Ubuntu Translation Coordinator, to
have a central point of contact between translation teams and also with
upstream teams so the communication could be improved having an official
contact point. I need to handle the final 'election' for the team that
will run this position.

> I just hope that at least the technical issues will be fixed until the 
> translation of Feisty starts. I would be horrible if we had to check every 
> (kde?) program, if the existing template and upstream translation has been 
> imported as we had to do for Edgy. As an upstream translator (and the KDE guy 
> in the german translation team Sebastian mentioned) I spent days in looking 
> for broken translations or incorrect imports to Rosetta, but only a few 
> minutes in translating the few Ubuntu specific strings in KDE.

Well, most problems from KDE was more a packaging problem where we were
not generating .pot files for them and thus, the imports were ignored.
That should be inherited from Edgy to Feisty and if it's not, it's a
problem that the Ubuntu maintainer should fix. It's out of our control.

Though, I will try to figure a way to detect this kind of situations to
detect them as soon as possible.

> This was really inefficient and annoying, especially because these errors 
> cause forks between upstream and Ubuntu we cannot fix atm. I just hope it 
> won't be that bad this time.

No, it shouldn't be that bad.


> Kind regards, Jannick

- --
Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu => http://www.ubuntu.com
mailto:carlos.perello at canonical.com
Alicante - Spain
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