Urdu Team need help

Noumaan Yaqoob y.noumaan at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 21:48:57 UTC 2006

Dear Ubuntu Translators,

We the Ubuntu Urdu Translators [link: 
https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-ur ] are a new team trying to 
get Ubuntu translated in Urdu. We are online since quite some time now 
but we are not seeing much progress due to various reasons such as lack 
of enthusiasm among team moderators, bad communication, failure to 
organize and motivate ourselves, etc.

We need your help.

1. We would like to know how other teams organize, motivate and progress.

2. We would also like to know how other teams interact with their local 
teams and groups elsewhere. We have some friends at another website they 
are trying to translate Gnome using entrans and po files. Is this 
possible to upload those po files to Rosetta or download po files from 
Rosetta to include them in entrans.

3. What other teams do to get more people help them with translations?

4. How other teams communicate? We are thinking about using a google group.

Looking forward for your suggestions and help.


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