Upload faqguide on Rosetta

Ljubisa Radovanovic lju at uns.ns.ac.yu
Thu Sep 29 22:47:29 UTC 2005


I have several problems!

First, I have problem to upload file ubuntu-docs faqguide for Serbian on
Rosetta. Last success upload was 19. sept. This file I am downloaded also
27. sept. 28 and 29. sept. I have try to upload faqguide sr.po with 150 new
translated strings.
Rosetta accept my upload file but on page:
don't have any changes for Serbian translation. Also I don't get any
conformation email.

Second, can I somehow see faqguide in any real form: PDF, HTML ...? Also,
like to see my translation in such files, to check my translation in

Can someone tell me how I can translate Ubuntu installer? I find site
but I don't now what to do.

Best wishes,

Ljubisa Radovanovic

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