Arabic translation

fawaz fawaz fawazarahman at
Mon Sep 19 14:54:33 UTC 2005

Dear friends 
I`m an Egyptian translator who asked before to set up a place/ section " 
Arabic (Egypt) " to translate Ubunto into Arabic .
But when I tried to access this section It gives me the following
message " Sorry,
you don't have permission to access this page. 

You are logged in as fawaz Abdul Rahman. "

I dont KNOW what to do to have the right to edit this section.

also in the section named " Group of people doing translations for Ubuntu" I 
couldnt find ARABIC" and when I try to add -appoint additional translators 
the following message appears to me "
 Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. 

You are logged in as fawaz Abdul Rahman. 

Please I need your help tell me what to do???????????? as I want to start in 
translation as soon as possible
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