[ubuntu-tn] Free-Software-Related Event Suggestion in Vistaprint
Hamza Boughraira
hamza.boughraira at gmail.com
Jeu 20 Sep 15:15:14 UTC 2018
Hi Anis and all,
First, it's not me that is going to give a talk, I prefer a community
member (not a vistaprint employee),
Second, the talk could be technical as well as not technical, the most
important part is it should be related to Free and Open Source software in
the DevOps industry.
What I suggest is, receiving talk suggestions from our community members
who are interested in this event, and then we vote on a talk (or two).
Note: this event will be open as usual ;)
Best Regards,
DevOps Engineer
Mobile: +216 51 538 576
E-mail: hamza.boughraira at gmail.com
On Wed, 19 Sep 2018 at 20:10, ANIS El Achèche <elacheche at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hello Hamza and folks,
> This is a great initiative!!!
> Can you please explain the topic?
> If I understand this right, you wanna give a talk about how the Free and
> Open Source movement helped advancing the DevOps world?
> We're not talking about a technical talk here where we prent a tool and do
> a workshop about it like we did multiple times before. Am I right?
> BTW, don't forget that you are member of this community, so technically
> speaking you can do a such talk as Utn member, same for Naeil who is you
> co-worker.
> A final question, this will be an Open event as usual, right?
> Afaik, we never liked or approved "private" events ;-)
> Regards,
> Sent from a mobile device with. Please excuse brevity and typos.
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2018, 18:13 Hamza Boughraira <hamza.boughraira at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Folks!
>> I'm Hamza Boughraira, I work as a DevOps engineer at Vistaprint,
>> We're thinking about hosting an event related to free software in the
>> DevOps industry, we want to introduce the Ubuntu-TN community to
>> Vistaprint's engineers through this event.
>> We're looking for speakers from the community to share knowledge and to
>> show the importance of free software in the DevOps industry.
>> The topic of the event is related to *CI/CD, Container Orchestration,
>> Infrastructure Automation, Cloud Computing.....*
>> If Anyone is interested, please feel free to reply to this email.
>> Best Regards,
>> --
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