[ubuntu-tn] Free-Software-Related Event Suggestion in Vistaprint

ANIS El Achèche elacheche at ubuntu.com
Mer 19 Sep 19:11:02 UTC 2018

Hello Hamza and folks,

This is a great initiative!!!

Can you please explain the topic?

If I understand this right, you wanna give a talk about how the Free and
Open Source movement helped advancing the DevOps world?

We're not talking about a technical talk here where we prent a tool and do
a workshop about it like we did multiple times before. Am I right?

BTW, don't forget that you are member of this community, so technically
speaking you can do a such talk as Utn member, same for Naeil who is you

A final question, this will be an Open event as usual, right?

Afaik, we never liked or approved "private" events ;-)


Sent from a mobile device with. Please excuse brevity and typos.

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018, 18:13 Hamza Boughraira <hamza.boughraira at gmail.com>

> Hi Folks!
> I'm Hamza Boughraira, I work as a DevOps engineer at Vistaprint,
> We're thinking about hosting an event related to free software in the
> DevOps industry, we want to introduce the Ubuntu-TN community to
> Vistaprint's engineers through this event.
> We're looking for speakers from the community to share knowledge and to
> show the importance of free software in the DevOps industry.
> The topic of the event is related to *CI/CD, Container Orchestration,
> Infrastructure Automation, Cloud Computing.....*
> If Anyone is interested, please feel free to reply to this email.
> Best Regards,
> --
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