[ubuntu-tn] Free-Software-Related Event Suggestion in Vistaprint
Hamza Boughraira
hamza.boughraira at gmail.com
Lun 17 Sep 17:12:48 UTC 2018
Hi Folks!
I'm Hamza Boughraira, I work as a DevOps engineer at Vistaprint,
We're thinking about hosting an event related to free software in the
DevOps industry, we want to introduce the Ubuntu-TN community to
Vistaprint's engineers through this event.
We're looking for speakers from the community to share knowledge and to
show the importance of free software in the DevOps industry.
The topic of the event is related to *CI/CD, Container Orchestration,
Infrastructure Automation, Cloud Computing.....*
If Anyone is interested, please feel free to reply to this email.
Best Regards,
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