[ubuntu-tn] Embedded Linux

ilbreebchi tn breebchi.com at gmail.com
Sam 3 Mai 19:25:02 UTC 2014

I  meant issue -_-'''
The terminal was displaying zeros.
Yeah, I got that. What I'm trying to understand is the function of the
capacitor. Why is it there?

2014-05-03 20:14 GMT+01:00 Amine Aouled Hamed <amine.ahd at gmail.com>:

> what message? you mean about the USART1 issue? well, if you check the
> electrical schema of the board, you will see that USART1 is connected to a
> capacitor, and you need some configuration to make it work properly.
> USART6(and others as well) don't need such configuration.
> On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 7:41 PM, ilbreebchi tn <breebchi.com at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I've got this message too a few days ago. I didn't get why it is! But for
>> other reasons, I switched to USB VCP. It works properly.
>> 2014-05-03 17:44 GMT+01:00 Amine Aouled Hamed <amine.ahd at gmail.com>:
>> Hello again,
>>> well my problem with USART1 was that it was connected to a capacitor,
>>> therefore I was received corrupted messages from the board.
>>> I change to USART6 as someone advised me in the ST forum and everything
>>> was good.
>>> On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 12:56 AM, ilbreebchi tn <breebchi.com at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> So, if ever, one would want to make this be a community project, what
>>>> does one need to do? How would the community organize itself to make sure
>>>> of getting results?
>>>> Well, to be honest, I really like the idea of getting the community to
>>>> work on embedded projects, this one seems fairly consistent to start with.
>>>> Sincerely.
>>>> 2014-05-02 3:04 GMT+01:00 Ahmed Sghaier <ahmed.sghaier at ubuntu.com>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am interested in high level development on ARM platforms like RPI
>>>>> and BBB.
>>>>> I might find more free time during the summer to work a little bit on
>>>>> some high level embedded projects (I will consider contacting you anyway to
>>>>> check if you are working on something in common or if you want to join
>>>>> another project)
>>>>> Good luck for your project.
>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:07 PM, ilbreebchi tn <breebchi.com at gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>  On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:21 PM, ilbreebchi tn<
>>>>>> breebchi.com at gmail.com> :
>>>>>>  Why do one need to change the USART for the USART6 ? What diffrence
>>>>>> does it make? I mean what in USART6 is needed for U-Boot to run and is not
>>>>>> in the other USARTs on the board?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> 2014-04-30 18:14 GMT+01:00 Amine Aouled Hamed<amine.ahd at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> well my project is supervised by my teacher and its a school project
>>>>>>>> too.
>>>>>>>> what I have made till now is :
>>>>>>>> -I've got a clue on how U-boot really works, how the different
>>>>>>>> header files and C files are linked to each other and what files I need to
>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>> -I've found a U-boot version that supports the STM32F429-Disco
>>>>>>>> board (made by Emcraft, here<https://github.com/EmcraftSystems/u-boot>)
>>>>>>>> and it works for my board as well ( you need to change the USART to USART6).
>>>>>>>> -My partner is currently working on the kernel, we are working on
>>>>>>>> the UClinux kernel (here <http://www.uclinux.org/>).
>>>>>>>> my first goal is just to run it on the board, by using the Emcraft
>>>>>>>> version. I will then try to study what files need to be changed and how
>>>>>>>> they work.
>>>>>>>> as for Node.Js, a quick search led me to this link<http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/nodejs-presentation_0.pdf>,
>>>>>>>> it describes how to build Node.Js for ARM processors, thats a good starting
>>>>>>>> point.
>>>>>>>> this link <http://howtonode.org/how-to-install-nodejs>, tells that
>>>>>>>> a Linux host is needed to install Node.Js along with some dependencies.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 5:48 PM, ilbreebchi tn<
>>>>>>>> breebchi.com at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am interested! I am actually working on a little school project,
>>>>>>>>> which is to take end by mid may, on an STM32F4Discovery (VG). And I had in
>>>>>>>>> mind to work on porting node.js this summer. But I have no idea how to do
>>>>>>>>> it. Could you give me more details on the advances you made on your
>>>>>>>>> project? I can participate if that doesn't bother you.
>>>>>> 2014-05-01 18:18 GMT+01:00 Amine Aouled Hamed <amine.ahd at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I would like to know if there are people here who are interested in
>>>>>>> Embedded Linux projects or are working on some right now.
>>>>>>> I am currently trying to port the Linux kernel to the STM32F4-Disco
>>>>>>> board with my teacher and I have made a good progress.
>>>>>>> please let me know if anyone is interested in making other projects
>>>>>>> or is looking for someone to help him in something.
>>>>>>> have a nice day.
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