[ubuntu-tn] page de couverture d' Ubuntu-tn Mag

Besma M'charek-Boussif bmcharek at gmail.com
Mer 10 Avr 09:26:11 UTC 2013

Hi Farouk,

Great job. I like the colors and the simplicity. Looks great as a 1st
One thing is that it feels a bit as a presentation slide, seen the page is
Also placing  the title at the the far left emphasizes the slide feeling. I
would make the title page-width, or at least place it in the middle of the
page and have 'premiere edition'  strike through it.

Keep in min, it is my very subjective opinion, see what you do with it.


2013/4/10 Farouk Ben Ali <farouk90210 at gmail.com>

> vos avis? :)
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Met vriendelijke groeten,
Besma M'charek Boussif
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