[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Full Circle PODCAST #21. Also out NOW!
mawale at ubuntu.com
Sam 25 Juin 09:10:35 UTC 2011
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From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: 2011/6/24
Subject: Full Circle PODCAST #21. Also out NOW!
To: mawale.me at gmail.com
Your Hosts:*
- *Robin Catling* (blog at http://catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/,
@robincatling on Twitter)
- *Ed Hewitt* (blog at http://www.edhewitt.co.uk/, @edhewitt on Twitter)
- *Dave Wilkins* (…has a Fischer-Price toy. @DavidAWilkins on Twitter)
*Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard*
*Show Notes*
*01:25 | WELCOME and INTRO*
- Dave: academic and military
- Ed: finishing the academic year, work, travel, weighing up
Watching proceedings of the WWDC conference<http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/>
- Robin: blogging about CyanogenMod7 <http://www.cyanogenmod.com/> and
trying Chromium-OS using both Hexxeh (failed)<http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/>
andDell build
*06:53 | REVIEW: Full Circle Magazine Issue
- Dave:
- Ronnie’s Thunderbird article p.20
- Smithie’s opinion on Netbooks, p.26
- Ed’s Revenge of the Titans review p.40
- Ed: The open question ‘I Think’ article on Unity. p.27
- Robin: Daniel Holbach’s article on Ubuntu development, p.17
*015:26 | NEWS*
- Major issue with lack of Android
- 30 Days with Ubuntu, an article series by Tony Bradley at PC
- Software Centre
for 11.10
- Pitivi removed
Ubuntu default apps
- Further default apps discussion, computer janitor now
- Ubuntu 11.10 release schedule
- Linux 3.0 on the
Torvalds ups the version number for no other reason than it’s the third
decade of the Linux kernel
- Ubuntu 11.10
to an expectant world
- Asus EEE-PC to ship with Ubuntu
- Canonical Launches Ubuntu-Ready Hardware
news! Does anyone outside the village care?)
- The Five Pillars Of Ubuntu Server
11.10<http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTUwMA> laid
out as a roadmap for th e server community
*35:20 | CONTRIBUTE*
*35:51 | OPINION:* Why do we need Ubuntu? The desktop versus the Cloud.
*56:27 | GAMING:* Trine. Although it killed Dave’s laptop. Or maybe Dave
killed Dave’s laptop…
- Trine <http://www.desura.com/games/trine>
*59:39 | FEEDBACK:* Call to action – anyone an expert in protecting yourself
and your Open Source project against copyright and patent issues.
*1.02:51 | Send us feedback:* since Victoria continues to ask so nicely
*1.03:28 | OUTRO AND WRAP*
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