[ubuntu-tn] Internet Society in Tunisia : Transition to IPv6 and security of the naming system

Sofia KAMOUN sofiakam at gmail.com
Sam 9 Oct 17:25:19 UTC 2010


Une conférence internationale sera organisé en tunisie le *28 octobre
2010*au pôle technologique El ghazela
Pour s'inscrire veuillez consulter cette page

Voici le programme de la journée:

08:30-09:00 *Registration*

09:00-9:30 * Opening session*

   - ISOC in Tunisia, Khaled Koubaa, ISOC Tunisia Chapter chair
   - Introductory speech, Jon McNerney, COO, Internet Society
   - Opening speech, High official Tunisia, TBC

9:30-9:50 *Coffee break*

9:50-11:30 *Migrating to IPv6: why and how*

Chair: Mr Kamel Saadaoui, CEO Tunisian Internet Agency )

   - Why migrating to IPv6?, TBC
   - IPv6 status update, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond, ISOC England
   - IPv4 sharing: is it an alternative?, Mat Ford, Internet Society (remote
   - Regional resources for IPv6, Adiel Akplogan, CEO, AfriNIC
   - Discussions

11:30-12:50 *IPv6 Deployment case studies*

   - IPV6 in Tunisia, Atef Loukil, Agence Tunisienne de l'Internet
   - Regional Case Study, Alain Aina, AfriNIC
   - Implementing native IPv6 on DSL, "Inventing the weel", Marco
   Hogewoning, XS4ALL,
   - Discussions

12:50-14:00 *Lunch*

14:00 - 15:20 *Threats on the Domain Name System*

Chair: Belhasen Zouari, CEO National Agency for Computer Security

   - The role of the domain name system in the Internet, TBC
   - Attacks on the domain name system, Mr Haythem El Mir
   - Discussions

15:20-15:40 *Coffee break*

15:40- 17:00 *DNSSEC*

   - Securing the domain name system with DNSSEC, Alain Aina
   - Guidelines for a secure domain name, Jim Galvin
   - DNSSEC Deployment case study, Jim Galvin
   - Discussions

17:00- 17:10 *Closing session*

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