Fwd: [FSF] Watch and share this new FSF video

MaWaLe mawale at ubuntu.com
Ven 6 Nov 06:54:48 UTC 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Brown <info at fsf.org>
Date: 2009/11/5
Subject: [FSF] Watch and share this new FSF video
To: info-fsf at fsf.org

Dear Free Software Supporter,

Visit http://fsf.org/ now to view a powerful new video message from
renowned free software programmer and FSF member Jeremy Allison.

This is the first in a series of videos we will be releasing during
our year-end membership drive. Our target is 1,000 new FSF members and
donors to fund our campaigns in 2010: http://fsf.org/campaigns.

Please help us reach our target by joining as a member or making a
donation right now:


Share http://fsf.org/share this video link and tell your friends why you

   "As a member of the FSF, I'm helping spread the word about free
   software and supporting the FSF's campaigns to defend the rights
   of all computer users to share and modify free software.
   Protecting our society from digital restrictions and software
   patents is very important to me."

Further ways to help:

 * Purchase a gift membership for a friend or family member this
   holiday season: http://fsf.org/associate/gift/. They get a slick
   membership card and other benefits!

 * Tell your friends about the video. Share through your online
   social network at http://fsf.org/share.

 * Put our cool new video widget on your blog or website, or ask a
   friend to add it to theirs: http://fsf.org/associate/widget/.

 * Subscribe your employer to our newsletter and the FSF Bulletin
   ($240 annually): http://fsf.org/donate/subscription.

Most importantly, I know that sharing this video with your friends and
colleagues will get them talking about free software!


Thank you,

Peter and the Free Software Foundation team

Peter Brown
Executive Director
Free Software Foundation
www.fsf.org www.gnu.org

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info-fsf at gnu.org
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