Asking to better the Ubuntu-tn Loco's maintaining

Zied Abid ziedabid at
Ven 2 Nov 20:35:21 UTC 2007

Comme a dit Fourat, l'équipe Ubnutu-tn a beaucoup à faire et nous avons
beaucoup à apprendre aussi...
Mais je mise sur la bonne volonté de l'équipe et de l'amitié qui règne entre
les membres .
Inchallah tout le monde sera présent dans la réunion de dimanche , je
rappelle que l'heure n'ai pas encore fixé ( ce n'ai pas le fameux 22:00 )
alors donnez vos suggestions puis on trouvera un horaire qui
convient à tout le monde .

On 11/2/07, Fourat ZOUARI <fourat at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been checking Ubuntu-tn's Loco works for some months ago, and was
> present on the SFD day and loved what the guys did.
> Anyway, i personally see that there's a lot of work that no one's doing,
> if we check other's Locos, those who are really helping spreading Ubuntu in
> their country, i would say that our Loco is doing 'rien', nada, nothing at
> all ...
> We had no blogs, no live site, no wiki, no local distribution, and even
> the channel #ubuntu-tn on freenod is not maintained, am on the chan for some
> months, the topic remains unchanged since i knew the loco, and here's the
> topic:
> on aura une discussion aujourdhui a 22h30
> That would say in english:
> We'll have a conference today at 22h30
> And since some months, everyday people expect that conference for
> everyday, that's a big shame ...
> Am an Ubuntu addicted now, was a Debian addicted and was a
> Redhat-Fedora-Centos (RPM-family) addicted too
> In my company, i've forced all employees to take Ubuntu as a productive
> plateform and not only a secondary OS installed on their laptop, forcing our
> frontal firewall to forward all IRC connects to freenode only, just to let
> workers connect to freenode world, and all i get from my loco, is a
> unmaintained one ????
> I would like to contribute, help spread Ubuntu in Tunisia, but there's
> nothing but the name 'Ubuntu-tn', nothing else.
> I'm sending this mail, so we can planify an urgent conference to help the
> Loco grow up.
> Thanks to all.
> Fourat ZOUARI
> Project Manager at
> --
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> Ubuntu-tn at
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