Ubuntu-remix-duplication suggestion

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Wed Jan 20 16:45:19 GMT 2010

Hey Tom,
I am ccing this to the list.

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Thomas C Gilliard
<satellit at bendbroadband.com> wrote:
> David;
> Why cannot this method be used to duplicate the ubuntu-remix to a usb
> stick.?
> If the name and colors have not been selected yet it should make a perfect
> copy....
> (I understand the ssh codes are made and user files are created on first
> logon)
> Do you know if zyx-liveinstaller works with your remix? (t does write to a
> USB...

Anything which can be used to manipulate, modify, or install a Debian,
Fedora, or Suse iso will also work with an Ubuntu-Sugar-Remix.  If not
it is a bug.

> Cordially
> ;
> Tom Gilliard
> link:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux/Non-compressed_Fedora#Duplication_of_USB_Sticks
> NOTE This should be done on NEWLY BUILT USB before using it. THIS COPIES
> EVERYTHING ON IT EXACTLY including all of the things you have entered on it.
> Make Image from USB/SD:
> # dd if=/dev/sda* of=USB8.img
> 15687680+0 records in
> 15687680+0 records out
> 8032092160 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 421.146 s, 19.1 MB/s
> use image to write USB Clone:
> 4-GB USB
> # dd if=USB4C2.img of=/dev/sdg bs=4k
> 986623+1 records in
> 986623+1 records out
> 4041211392 bytes (4.0 GB) copied, 595.509 s, 6.8 MB/s

By way of background, ISOs evolved as a means of moving information on
and off of a CD in a single step.  When one burns a movie they are
generally coping the entire contents of a CD.  The key feature of an
ISO is the wide availability of authoring tools to work with them.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_image

ISOs have been around for several years and are well support by third
party tools.  IMG files have been used as backup files for since the
1970's.  dd, one of the common img manipulation tools, stands for Data
Dump.  dd make take the contents of partition and make a raw dump into
a file using the 'archive format.'  The dump can then be move around
and restored as need.

Early versions of Ubuntu Netbook Remix were distributed as img files
which users would copy onto USB sticks.  Recent versions of UNR have
move back to using ISO files as a distribution method for two reasons:
The ecosystem of tools to manipulate ISOs is larger and more widely
understood and casper (see earlier email) the ISO bootloader was quite

Ubuntu Sugar Remix Live will _not_ be a viable product until the funky
loopback mounted, Read Only, SquashFS is dealt with.  My stand, at
least for the 10.04 release, is that USR should be used and
distributed using stand Ubuntu and Ubuntu-Netbook-Remix tools and
procedures.  This way we can isolate 'Sugar' bug and deal with and
push system level bug to Ubuntu.


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