USR 804 Maverik CD HD install errors

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at
Tue Aug 10 15:08:19 BST 2010

2 errors detected:

1-CD Ejected too soon after install
2-ISO reporting the incorrect version number

Tom Gilliard

#ubuntu-sugarteam Aug 10 2010:

> satellit_> manusheel: I think I may understand dropping into sell on 
> boot with USR 804:  The CD ejects too soon, before the writes complete 
> to the USB drive?  At end of install to USB HD if you hit reboot 
> button it ejects CD almost immediately leaving a screen full of errors 
> saying ./dev/sro/ missing. It never procceedes from there and one has 
> to use power off to shut down PC.
> <satellit_> it never finishes writing and reading to HD.
> <satellit_> Possible test: avoid the pop up and shut down normally.
> <satellit_> I will do another install to HD to test this
> <manusheel> satellit_: Thanks a lot. I hope we'll have a fresh set of 
> observations after running this test.
> <satellit_> is this a possibility?
> <satellit_> testing now
> <manusheel> satellit_: Yes, I think there is a possibility. Let us see 
> after the test.
> <satellit_> ok
> <satellit_> manusheel: no way arround the reboot pop up.
> [1669.166145] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 769860    full 
> screen of these.....: ( no change after 2 minutes)
> <satellit_> The pop-up has nothing else on screen behind it......
> <satellit_> power off only way out
> <satellit_> dropped to BusyBox shell:
> <satellit_> "exit" and it boots
> <satellit_> ? BUG!
> <manusheel> satellit_: Bug indeed.
> <satellit_> Ubuntu Bug?
> <manusheel> satellit_: Kindly report this at ubuntu sugar mailing 
> list. I'll ask the developers to look at it.
> <satellit_> what is mailing list e-mail?
> <manusheel> satellit_: "Ubuntu SugarTeam" 
> <ubuntu-sugarteam at>.  Could you please let me know the 
> date version of the software.
> <satellit_>
> <satellit_> 4 aug 2010
> <satellit_> Ubuntu Maverick (development)? but about Ubuntu  on 
> desktop says 10.04 Lucid Lynx
> <manusheel> satellit_: Ok, this is one of the very recent ones. Yes, 
> this is another minor bug you just reported.
> <manusheel> satellit_: The text entry
> <manusheel> has not been updated
> <satellit_> ok
> <manusheel> It seems. For Maverick USR. It is still using 10.04 Lucid 
> Lynx. So, two bug reports. Let me send you the format for sharing 
> issues at ubuntu sugar mailing list. That would help in easy 
> communication with engineers.
> <dfarning> satellit_ can you send a note to the ML about the ISO 
> reporting the incorrect version number?  I forgot to update that:(
> <satellit_> ok

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