USR - Focus for Aug and Sept.

David Farning dfarning at
Tue Aug 10 15:06:23 BST 2010

Note:  After rereading this it seemed like I was unhappy with the
progress on USR.  I am pleased by the progress.  We just have more to

Work and growth on USR has been pretty fast and furious over the last
couple of weeks so I though it was time to step back, take a breath,
and provide an overview so we can all better understand how our work
is fitting into the big picture.

Goal : Develop and maintain Sugar on Debian and Ubuntu so that
deployments can freely chose between XOs and commodity netbooks for
use in their school.

== Packaging ==
1) Packaging Sugar core + plus activities for Debian unstable.  As
important as packaging the software has been establishing the internal
expertise to effectively maintain those packages.  Please see for the status.

 2) Syncing from Debian to Ubuntu.  The next phase is syncing packages
from Debian unstable to Ubuntu Maverick.  Please see for the status.

-- Status --
1) Over all packaging seem to be going well.  The package flow from
Sugar Labs -> Debian -> Ubuntu is sound.
2) Hit a bottle neck at reviewing and sponsoring uploads.
3) Few packages are flowing into Ubuntu Maverick.

-- TODO --
1) Recreate the package table on on . (The Debian wiki is currently
2) Update to reflect the current
status and needs of packaging on .deb.
3) Individual developers please update the status of your assigned
packages on .
4 Wikify and upload the internal documentation on packaging to the
various wikis.

== Debugging ==
1) Identify and create patches to fix bugs in Ubuntu Maverick and
Debian unstable.

2) Push fixes upstream as far as possible Ubuntu -> Debian -> Sugar Labs.

-- Status --
1) Manu has started cleaning up and assigning bugs.
3) Developers are making steady progress fixing bug.
2) Hit a bottle neck uploading fixes.

-- TODO --

1) Create document better explaining the 'fix' workflow. (dfarning)
2) Create a filter/method to show the current status of all Sugar bug
in Launch Pad, Debian, and Sugar Labs. ie something like for all the bugs listed on . There should be
an easy way to create that list I just don't understand LP well
3) Push the USR-meta and US-setting from the PPA into Maverick.

== USR ISO ==
1) Build daily ISO to make it simple for users to test and install USR.

-- Status --
1) Can install from ISO to hard drive.
2) Cannot boot from USB.

-- TODO --
1) Assign buildmaster.
2) Update ISO template.


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