Ready for another round of testing

David Farning dfarning at
Wed Oct 28 23:35:07 GMT 2009

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:38 AM, Grant Bowman <grantbow at> wrote:
> A reminder to all users including myself: don't run multiple
> sugar-emulators at the same time.  That's what caused that traceback.
> Maybe some error handling could help somehow.  Sorry about that.
> OK, now sugar-emulator works ok, but I only get three Activities:
> Write, Etoys and Log.

This one is fixed there should be a basic set of packages installed in

Anything installed or updated from within sugar should be saved in ~/activities.

> Function keys aren't working either, a bit annoying but the workaround
> is the frame.

Looking into this now


> I'm still getting funky things with my alt-tab not working even when
> it's set in gnome key bindings but I will have to do more work to
> narrow down that problem.  It's one of the key sequences I really do
> use and I miss it when it's not working.
> Grant
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 3:30 AM, Grant Bowman <grantbow at> wrote:
>> I just updated with the new packages.
> --
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