'apt-get install sugar-platform' available for Ubuntu9.10.
David Farning
dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Tue Oct 27 20:08:04 GMT 2009
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:04 AM, Grant Bowman <grantbow at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:10 PM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Grant Bowman <grantbow at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It works!
>>> There are alot of OLPC advocates that have been holding their breath
>>> for a well-packaged version of Sugar to run on our machines! Thank
>>> you! I'm one of the California LoCo folks near San Francisco and
>>> attend the SF-OLPC put on monthly by Sameer Verma. I'm an Ubuntu
>>> Member but not part of the MOTU. For a brief while I was a Debian
>>> Developer so I may be able to help a bit. I've also done QA
>>> professionally for several different companies. I'm sure we'll be
>>> able to get someone to help out with sponsorship if they aren't
>>> already subscribed to this list and lurking.
>> Ok great. I personally have a lot of learning so I am not in much of a hurry.
> This might be a good opportunity for me as well. If I have
> suggestions, how would you prefer to collaborate? Should I mail you
> patches? Post them here to the list?
Lets try to do everything on either this list list
ubuntu-sugarteam at lists.ubuntu.com or on the sugar team wiki at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SugarTeam . There are at least a dozen people
on this list who want tot help but don't know how to get started.
>>> How do you recommend people update their applications? turtle art,
>>> pippy and jukebox all say that updates are available when I run the
>>> update from inside of xephyr but I chose not to download and install
>>> them that way, waiting to hear back from you first.
>> It is fine to use the internal sugar updater to update activities.
>> There is an abstraction barrier between the distro dependant stuff and
>> most of the activities. (etoys is one of exceptions) Nothing on
>> Activities.sl.o (which is what is available through the updater)
>> touched the distro layer.
> Good to know.
>>> Is this the best keyboard cheat sheet?
>>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Keyboard_shortcuts
>>> Oh, you address this in the source README but was this file installed
>>> via binary package somewhere? It might be good to install it once
>>> and link to it from a few of the other packages. They keyboard
>>> shortcuts are important to to end users.
>> I think we should focus as much of our enduser documentation efforts
>> as possible on the olpc/sugar manuals at http://en.flossmanuals.net/ .
>> We can ship them as preloaded content.
> Aha, there are some nice OLPC & Sugar ones on that page among others.
>>> I had 0.83.8 installed before but it wasn't working at all - could
>>> that have been related to my previous trouble? I uninstalled it
>>> before installing your 0.86.2-1 on my machine.
>> Yes there were some dependencies issues. Sugar got a bit ahead of the
>> rest of the world with its versions of abiword and xulrunner. The
>> xulrunner issues looks fixed and we are shipping a newer version of
>> abiword then is available in 9.10
> Good to know.
>>> What are your plans for including documentation? Specifically in
>>> /usr/share/doc/sugar*
>> I am planning on going though the pagers Morgan and Jonas have made
>> and crib the stuff that looks useful.
>>> Does xephyr change the keyboard mapping? My alt-tab doesn't work all
>>> of a sudden, though it might be unrelated.
>> My alt-tab stopped working a while ago. I don't think it is sugar related.
> It was working for me yesterday. Using Google I see people complained
> about this getting unset. I don't know how/why. A quick trip to
> System...Preferences...Keyboard Shortcuts in the Window Management
> section setting "Move between windows, using a popup menu" back to
> alt-tab seemed to fix it!
Good To know
>>> The garbage that comes when running sugar-emulator doesn't seem
>>> harmful but it might scare people - any thoughts?
>> My guess is that many of the warning should be filed upstream.
> Yes, that makes sense. Are you blogging or tweeting about the ubuntu
> sugar packages yet? How many people make up the
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SugarTeam right now? There seems to have only
> been one meeting in August 2008.
No, I am not blogging about it yet. My fear is that if too many
people start using the packages too soon the bug reports are going to
swamp us. I am not against more publicity. I personal need to focus
on the nuts and bolts of packaging.
There are 30 people registered as team members. If anyone is
interested in starting regular meeting that would be great.
> Grant
> --
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