karmic packages available.

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Thu Oct 22 20:24:38 BST 2009

Thanks to Alsroot we now have karmic packages available for ubuntu.
These packages are available from his ppa at
https://launchpad.net/~alsroot/+archive/sugar-0.86 .

To install these pachagesjust go into synaptic and add
ppa:alsroot/sugar-0.86 to your repository list.  It strikes me that
Sugar Labs' biggest blocker for adoption is the lack of ubuntu
packages.  As such I have stepped down from my other roles in Sugar
Labs to work on packaging for Ubuntu.

My plan is to take Alsroot's root packages and Create official
Packages for Ubuntu.

I am doing my initial work at
https://launchpad.net/~dfarning/+archive/sugar/  Once the packages
stabilize, I will move them to
https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa for wider testing.

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