Sugar and Edubuntu
Morgan Collett
morgan.collett at
Mon Nov 10 17:49:43 GMT 2008
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 19:19, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Greetings,
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 04:23:45PM +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:
>>It was suggested that we incorporate the Ubuntu Sugar Team as a
>>subteam of Edubuntu, and work towards including Sugar into Edubuntu
>>(the CD image) which would mean moving Sugar into main. I think this
>>is a great goal but in the short term I'm concerned that we would be
>>too dependent on Jordan to sponsor all the uploads - while it's in
>>universe at least we can work towards MOTU and getting upload rights
> You are all very welcome to join the Alioth OLPC project, with write
> access to Git of all sugar-related packages.
> 1) Create an Alioth account (if you don't have one already):
> 2) Login, and do a "Request to join" for the Alioth projects olpc
> (organisational, to show your kind of commitment) and collab-maint
> (for Git write access): &
> 3) Bookmark the status page of packages maintained by the OLPC Alioth
> group:
> By preparing the packages together we minimize the need for patching and
> other duplicated work across distributions.
> Ideally Debian, Ubuntu, Edubuntu and any other deb-based distros need
> the exact same packaging, but for the cases that is not the reality (for
> example Ubuntu needs for transition dependencies that I dislike for
> Debian) we can use multiple branches.
Thanks Jonas, I did join some time ago but wasn't aware then of how
git is used. We did some patches to get things working in Intrepid -
I'll push them into git in the near future, on a branch if
appropriate, and let you know.
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