[sugar] Sugar on Ubuntu Intrepid broken
Morgan Collett
morgan.collett at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 21:06:44 GMT 2008
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 19:29, Carol Farlow Lerche <cafl at msbit.com> wrote:
> Could someone summarize or point me to a roadmap for the ubuntu-sugarteam?
> I am provisioning 10 donated laptops with Intrepid for a Title I elementary
> school near me, and in the course of adding educational software to entice
> the teachers into Linux I installed the sugar packages visible in synaptic.
> Of course virtually nothing works, which was disappointing. This led to a
> trip through the sugar labs wiki and the mailing archives (this list and
> the sugar list) and I am left befuddled as to whether it is worth trying to
> upgrade packages using ppa or just to wait (and what event or announcement
> am I waiting for?). It would be helpful if there were a concise discussion
> of what needs doing in some central place. Please point me to it if I have
> missed this. Perhaps a monthly FAQ mailing with this information on the
> lists, as used to be done in the usenet days might be helpful as well.
Hi Carol
Thanks for finding and joining the list!
I acknowledge that there are a good number of problems with the
current packaging we have: many "core" activities don't work. Read and
Write both depend on things we couldn't get packaged in Ubuntu in the
right time frame - we hope to solve that for Jaunty. Browse has been
affected by a dependency on hulahop when gets broken with every
Firefox update - we're working on getting that fixed, but the process
has been rather frustrating the first time around. As our team gets
more experienced and (hopefully) more upload rights for Ubuntu
packaging, we should be able to fix things faster.
This list is the best place to discuss what needs doing. I have part
of a TODO list on my SugarLabs page:
http://sugarlabs.org/go/User:Morgs. It doesn't contain all the
Ubuntu/Sugar bugs, but it does have the issues I'm actively working
The PPA packages are best considered experimental right now. We have
part of the work landed to support Network Manager 0.7, but there are
still issues which might now be fixed upstream in Sugar. There were a
couple of reports of the Journal not working with the PPA Intrepid
packages, but I haven't been able to reproduce that problem, and those
that complained didn't file bug reports.
The goal is still to push out stable release updates for Intrepid (and
Hardy) with well-tested fixes.
I hope that helps a bit - please provide more details on what you are
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