[sugar] Sugar on Ubuntu Intrepid broken

Carol Farlow Lerche cafl at msbit.com
Mon Dec 22 17:29:58 GMT 2008

Could someone summarize or point me to a roadmap for the ubuntu-sugarteam?
I am provisioning 10 donated laptops with Intrepid for a Title I elementary
school near me, and in the course of adding educational software to entice
the teachers into Linux I installed the sugar packages visible in synaptic.
Of course virtually nothing works, which was disappointing.  This led to a
trip through the sugar labs wiki and the  mailing archives (this list and
the sugar list) and I am left befuddled as to whether it is worth trying to
upgrade packages using ppa or just to wait (and what event or announcement
am I waiting for?).  It would be helpful if there were a concise discussion
of what needs doing in some central place.  Please point me to it if I have
missed this.  Perhaps a monthly FAQ mailing with this information on the
lists, as used to be done in the usenet days might be helpful as well.

Thanks a lot.

Carol Lerche
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