[Sugar-devel] [sugar] Sbuntu 8.10: Sugar for Ubuntu Live USB, updated

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 12:24:18 GMT 2008

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 13:34, Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried installing your patches on a fresh copy of Intrepid (with the
> hopes that my network neighborhood would start working). Matchbox had
> an error and wouldn't install. I ignored that error and tried to log
> into a Sugar session, only to get the following, seemingly unrelated
> error:
> /usr/sugar/shell/model/network.py, line 23 in <module> from sugar
> import dispatch
> Import Error: cannot import
> I had previously installed 0.82.x from the main Intrepid repositories,
> but presumably I have some incompatible mix of versions. 0.82.x worked
> (with a few bugs). Any clues?

I have reproduced the problem. Looks like the NM 0.7 patch for
sugar-base (package python-sugar) didn't apply properly. I'll let you
know as soon as a fix is uploaded.


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