[ubuntu-studio-users] Studio controls version

Alf Haakon Pietruszka Lund alf at mellomrommet.no
Fri Jun 11 07:08:06 UTC 2021

Hi Erich!

On 10.06.2021 17:03, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:

> Studio Controls 2.1.64 is not meant to be released to the public as it's very
> much a rough, pre-release beta. That said, a mistake happened recently and
> this was the only way to correct it.
> Basically, I had accidentally uploaded 2.1.64-beta to the Backports PPA (for
> Groovy). When I had discovered the error, I aborted the build, but the damage
> was already done and it was reporting that version as available for Focal as
> well. So, the only way to fix this was to create a package versioned as 2.1.64-
> really2.1.4 to trick the system into downgrading the package.
> Trust me, you do NOT want to be running 2.1.64 (future 2.2) at this point. It
> has a lot of issues and is causing problems even for myself. But if you REALLY
> want it, you can go to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev and look for
> the Studio Controls Staging PPA. There you will find it, but be warned: it's
> not at all ready for production, and you WILL find bugs.

Thank you for explaining! I'll trust you and wait for 2.2.

Best regards,

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