[ubuntu-studio-users] Problem with Asus FX505 Tuf Gaming laptop after installing 20.04

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Mon Oct 26 22:11:06 UTC 2020

Thanks for your reply.

There are two reviewers on Amazon who bought the laptop who got Ubuntu 
20.04 working, so I thought I could also do so.

It is possible in theory, I think.


On 26/10/2020 21:30, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> David,
> On 10/26/20 2:20 PM, David King wrote:
>> Actually in Ubuntu Mate, audio appeared to be working as in no 
>> notification of it not working, until I tried to use it and there was 
>> no sound.
>> [snip]
> Based on all of this troubleshooting, I think you have stumbled onto the 
> plague of Linux users everywhere: incompatible hardware. Not all 
> hardware is guaranteed to work on Linux. In fact, there is a *lot* out 
> there that is designed specifically to run Windows and does not work on 
> Linux, no matter how hard you try.
> And seeing as how you have had no response in this email list with 
> anything, I think it should confirm to you that your hardware just plain 
> does not work on Linux. That might be a tough pill to swallow but it 
> might very well be the truth, and you might need to consider that.
> I'm sorry I can't be of any help, but we're seeing more and more of this 
> type of dilemma lately where hardware manufacturers, while they might 
> otherwise manufacture Linux-compatible hardware, do still have a certain 
> target audience, especially with so-called Gaming laptops: Windows gamers.
> So, keep that in mind. Many "gaming" laptops out there aren't 
> Linux-compatible. It's a tough truth, but it's the truth.
> -- 
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Project Leader     Ubuntu Studio
> Council Member     Ubuntu Community Council

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