[ubuntu-studio-users] the new ubuntustudio20.04 and KDE

hans Schneidhofer mei-mail at posteo.de
Tue Jun 23 23:43:57 UTC 2020

hi list,

is KDE mandatory for ubuntustudio 20.04 ? Because I am working now for
some years with Xubuntu - aka XFCE on the 18.04 - and I am not really
happy with the idea, that KDE should be the "New holy gral" for
Ubuntustudio 20.04.

If this would happen, I think I would change to AV-Studio, which have
the xfce-environment. For shure it is debian-buster-based, but as I can
read some informations about buster, it is really really very stable.

KDE was never "my environment" and also I don't like it for the future
- also not in connection with ubuntustudio 20.04.

So I hope, it would be possible to run ubuntustudio 20.04 also with
xfce and not only with KDE.

bye hans

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