[ubuntu-studio-users] Carla - sound card not showing up

0thermail at protonmail.com 0thermail at protonmail.com
Mon Aug 3 03:11:33 UTC 2020

Hi Thanks for your reply. The problem was that the default sample rates were different, (I'm fairly certain i didn't change them ). Anyway, if they are different by default could be worth making them match to minimize any confusion.

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, August 2, 2020 4:51 PM, Ross Gammon <ubuntustudio at the-gammons.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 02/08/2020 08:04, 0thermail at protonmail.com wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have just done a fresh install of kubuntu 20.04 + the ubuntu studio
> > installer.
> > However when I open Studio Controls and click on 'start or restart Jack'
> > nothing happens (jack does not start). I am able to start jack via
> > Qjackctl.
> > But when I open Carla, my sound card (focusrite scarlett) does not show
> > up in the patch bay. (It is detected and listed if i type 'lsusb' in the
> > terminal)
> > I have used carla with this sound card in the past on an older version
> > of ubuntu studio and I'm sure it was plug and play. Have tried a few
> > different sound cards.
> > Am I forgetting or missing something obvious? Thanks for any tips
> I also have a Focusrite Scarlett (2nd Gen) with a similar set up, except
> it is standard Ubuntu (Gnome) 20.04. I have not had problems until
> recently when sometimes the device is not available and I have to turn
> it off and on again. It has only happened twice and I have not tracked
> the problem down.
> What are your settings in Studio Controls (Audio Setup)? Do you have the
> Ubuntu Studio ppa set up to get the latest versions of the US packages?
> Ross
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