[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu studio 17.10 very slow and dev/sda1 at 100% in read mode

miossel miossel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 15:38:58 UTC 2017


Am I the only one or what ?

I upgraded from 17.04 some days ago

since then, when the machine starts the desktop becomes very sluggish 
(takes ages to display, mouse moves very slowly, the system is not 
responsive at all, etc.)

this happens with kernel 4.13.0-16 lowlatency (x86_64)

using top, nmon and iotop I can see that
/dev/sda1  is at 100% in read mode - this is a Sandisk SSD Ultra

most consuming processes are irq/22_ahci related

when I restart and select the old 4.10.0-38 lowlatency kernel everything 
is correct again

Have you seen similar issues yet ?



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