[ubuntu-studio-users] 17.10 can't install on my Dell Inspiron 1750

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sat Nov 11 14:47:37 UTC 2017

On Sat, 11 Nov 2017 09:26:07 -0500, WMID wrote:


do you need 32 bit architecture? You are aware that it will get dropped
soon? If you could use 64-bit architecture, too, consider to get the
64-bit ISO.

Did you check the ISO against a signed checksum? I suspect that the ISO
comes with a checksum self-test, but a manual check against a signed
cheksum is much more secure.

After saving the attached script as


change to the directory were you saved it by running

  cd /path/to/the/script/

then run

  chmod a+x luamd64_1610.sh

and after that run

  ./luamd64_1610.sh ubuntustudio 17.10

it will download the 64-bit version and check the ISO against a signed
checksum, just follow the advices of the script.

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