[ubuntu-studio-users] Menu categories gone

Jerry jwfj77 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 23:42:02 UTC 2016

tux at pfundtdesign.de wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm having a small problem here that I can not figure out by myself.
> Just yesterday, I installed Ubuntu Studio 16.04 and set the system up
> like normal. Somehow, I must have made a change to the menu and right
> now, all Ubuntu Studio categories, such as "Audio production" and "Video
> production" are gone, meaning I can't start GIMP, Inkscape or Krita from
> the menu anymore (they are not even listed in the "all"-tab).
> The programs are still installed, as I can start them by typing in the
> name with Alt+F2, but the menu only contains certain applications, such
> as the usual favourites (terminal, settings, etc.) and programs in the
> system, internet and office tabs. I already tried to change the Xfce
> list configuration from the preferences, but it only contains GNOME2,
> Redmond, Xfce4.12 and Xubuntu presets for me and they also do not have
> the missing categories.
> Is there any way to reset the standard Ubuntu Studio menu or add the
> categories and program links?
> Kind regards,
> Thomas


Try here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2327706


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