[ubuntu-studio-users] Menu categories gone

tux at pfundtdesign.de tux at pfundtdesign.de
Sun Aug 21 00:12:36 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

I'm having a small problem here that I can not figure out by myself.
Just yesterday, I installed Ubuntu Studio 16.04 and set the system up
like normal. Somehow, I must have made a change to the menu and right
now, all Ubuntu Studio categories, such as "Audio production" and "Video
production" are gone, meaning I can't start GIMP, Inkscape or Krita from
the menu anymore (they are not even listed in the "all"-tab).

The programs are still installed, as I can start them by typing in the
name with Alt+F2, but the menu only contains certain applications, such
as the usual favourites (terminal, settings, etc.) and programs in the
system, internet and office tabs. I already tried to change the Xfce
list configuration from the preferences, but it only contains GNOME2,
Redmond, Xfce4.12 and Xubuntu presets for me and they also do not have
the missing categories.

Is there any way to reset the standard Ubuntu Studio menu or add the
categories and program links?

Kind regards,

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