[ubuntu-studio-users] Need advice/help with Qjackctl and some other related programs it supports

stephen stevecook172001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jun 10 12:48:38 UTC 2015

Thank you very much for replying so promptly

I have not yet tried changing midi channels and have no idea, as yet, 
how to do it. Though, I had guessed that might have something to do with 
it. Please explain. What I need is for Rosegarden to send two different 
tracks from a single midi file to two instances of VMPK simultaneously. 
At the moment, I cannot get that to happen. My external midi keyboard 
controllers are not the problem in that they are running okay with Qsynth.

On 10/06/15 13:27, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> One MIDI output/input can use 16 separated MIDI channels at the same
> time. Do you care about MIDI channels?
> Channel names could be named 1 to 16 on one device, but 0 to 15 on
> another device. In addition a device might provide an option "any" or
> "all" or "omni", resp. "omni on", this does mean that all 16 channels
> are send/received/played.
> What you want is that track one sends on e.g. MIDI channel 1 and track
> 2 on e.g. MIDI channel 2. One instance of QSynth should receive MIDI
> channel 1 and the other MIDI channel 2. It's same for your external
> keyboards, unfortunately some oldish keyboards tend to send on MIDI
> channel 1 only, if so you need a filter application to transform from
> MIDI channel 1 to another MIDI channel.
> Perhaps you're aware about this and there's another issue, so before I
> continue to explain in broken English ... Do you already care
> about MIDI channels?

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