[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 4
Mike Holstein
mikeh789 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 15:46:21 UTC 2015
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:08 AM, bart deruyter <bart.deruyter at gmail.com>
> thanks for the ideas, but again, these are not solutions.
> let me explain the problem again in real life:
> 1. I start claudia, run ardour4 for a recording, then I decide to stop
> after an hour.
> 2. I exit ardour, shut down my soundcard (remember: power-consumption)
> which kills jack, because it has no soundcard to run anymore, or I first
> stop the studio in claudia and then turn off my external soundcard.
i dont shutdown my soundcard with with jack running. if i would lose power
to it,either on purpose, by accidentally shutting it down, or, losing power
to it, i would expect to deal with resetting jack, by having to forcefully
find and kill the process, or whatever it takes
> 3.and I go surfing a bit as a break.
> 4. Then I want to start again, fire up my external soundcard and I want to
> run claudia again to launch my apps, like ardour, guitarix, etc...
if this is the exact workflow, please stop jack, *first*, then, "surf a bit
as a break", which, you can surf a bit as a break with jack running, and,
you should actually look into what you are saving financially by powering
the audio hardware down.. likely, not much, if anything you would actually
> 5. only to discover jack won't start anymore.
> 6. Only solution so far: log out and log in again
yes, logout, and back in, when you break jack like that.. or, you can
reboot.. or, i will also open a terminal and use this command to see what
is running related to jack.. "ps aux | grep jack" ..i will see jack
running, in whatever state, and hopefully be able to kill whatever
processes are broken
> I hope this explains the problem better. I don't want to have to log out
> each time I have done something else then audio-work for a while. I can't
> believe this is a normal thing to happen.
i also dual boot on my production rig. i dont expect to casually stop and
start jack, and have a machine that does audio production, and casual
desktop tasks such as internet browsing, etc.. though, one certainly can
have that, i just find the work flows of each to be a bit
counter-intuitive, and, its not helpful or necessary for me to force both
onto one install.. so, i have one install that is specifically catered for
audio production, that actually works more as an appliance, and is not
online, doenst get, or need to get updates, unless i specifically need or
want something, and is basically in a frozen state. i can then easily
reboot into the other partition that is a standard linux install, if i want
to, for example "go surfing a bit as a break", and for some reason, i dont
have one of my other main portable laptops with desktop installations on
them handy.. typically, if i want a break from the studio machine, i get
away from the studio, or at least, i move from the chair.. it all depends
on what fits your needs..
i see it as the biggest issue here.. you are expecting jack to be ok with
you shutting the power off to the device, and turning it back on. without
stopping jack first. *also*, you could be changing lthe alsa labels, which
happens, and finding that what jack used to be configured to use has
powered back up into another label.
i say, just dont do that. dont cut power to the audio device to try and
save power while you are taking a break surfing for a bit, and all should
be fine. if that is something that is mission critical and important to
you, check that you are stopping jack *before* cutting the power, and see
that the alsa labels are not changing when you bring the device back online.
also, i have seen, in my years of testing certain usb and firewire devices
i have owned, or have/had access to, that dont specifically promise support
for linux, that, some of them *must* be connected to the machine at boot. i
had a specific laptop, firewire pci card, firewire audio device combination
that would *not* be seen by the os, a linux os, if the machine was booted
up, and i tried to add the hardware after boot. i *had* to have the
hardware connected, and then boot the machine. so, in your scenario, where,
if i wanted to stop jack and casually power the interface down, due to who
knows what part of the stack, the hardware will *not* be seen by the os
when i power it back up, im not saying that is specifically happening to
you, but, its something to be aware of.
when dealing with an interface that specifically promises support for,
likely, 2 other operating systems, not linux, one may have to expect and
accept compromises. and, i dont think it is realistic to expect to casually
power up and down audio interfaces.
> grtz,
> Bart
> http://www.bartart3d.be/
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> 2015-08-13 16:54 GMT+02:00 Kaj Ailomaa <zequence at mousike.me>:
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015, at 04:51 PM, Kaza Kore wrote:
>> >
>> > From: bart.deruyter at gmail.com
>> > Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 16:31:48 +0200
>> > To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> > Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 100,
>> > Issue 4
>> >
>> > thanks for the tip.
>> > I'll try using the pid to kill jackdbus, though I thought it was killed
>> > by right clicking in systemmonitor and clicking on destroy process. That
>> > did not help to get jackd running again by the way.
>> >
>> As long as jack hasn't crashed, there's no need to kill jackdbus.
>> If you'd rather use jackd instead of jackdbus, you can disable dbus
>> support in qjackctl settings (that is, if you are using qjackctl to
>> start jack in the first place).
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