[ubuntu-studio-users] Installing 14.o4.1 Sudio on a Chromebook.

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 22:53:46 UTC 2014

On Sep 10, 2014 6:13 PM, "Alex Armani" <alex.armani at rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Is this possible? Would I have to use the 32bit iso, or a different iso
for Arm 3 processors etc?

No. Get the arm version.. I suggest looking into crouton which is an ubuntu
chroot which will use the chrome os kernel. Not sure what studio packages
will work or how they work on arm. Personally, I purchased a chrome book
with Intel haswell processor in case I want to run "normal" Linux on it...
You could try and return the one you have and get an Intel version. They
make an i3 Intel chip version of the c720 now. That's the chrome book that
will support stock Linux distros ... Otherwise get a system76 machine with
Ubuntu already on it. If you stay with the arm chip, I would read about the
raspberry pi being used with Jack for audio purposes.. Should be relevant..

> Yes, after 3 year my laptop has finally died. Ended up with a second hand
Chromebook, Got no box or manual though, but otherwise am very impressed
with it.
> It's a Samsung Chromebook XE303C12
> Samsung ARM Series 3 Chromebook
>  aha, tia from Alex.
> --
> Alex Armani, IT Consultant \ Digital Musician.
> +447 754 595 449 - Www.Armani.PM 8) %)
> tB.xx
> --
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