[ubuntu-studio-users] Need help to create boot hard drie install window ap to create the usb hard drive beautiful

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 22:46:51 UTC 2014

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Alex Armani <alex.armani at rocketmail.com>wrote:

> Need help to create boot hard drve install window ap to create the usb
> hard drive beautiful
>  RootKiss 4:2o LTS 3 years based on Studio 64 bit low latency kernel
> announced, finished and ready for distribution release based on Xbuntu XFCE
> 64 bit AMD. THE Goofy GeekGurlz.xx tB. Wink Cool %) Shipping on 17th April
> 2,o14 AD. two days before 19th Bicycle day, critical mass, where all work
> activities are suspended and we go on bicycle rides and picnics and give
> each other gifts and make up stories to thrill. And dance to music on the
> beach next to the fires. all night long dancing on the beach in the sea.
> _________________
> I have scene the enemy and it is Us. US lot...

maybe this account was compromised, but if not, please do not spam the
support list.. thanks!

> _________________
> Acer Aspire 5551: AMD Athlon P320 (2.1 GHz), 3GB RAM, ATI HD 425o
> Graphics.
> 64bit Windows 7 Home Premium, 64bit Ubuntu Studio 13.1o, 32bit Lubuntu
> 13.o4 Fedora 2o 64 bit Gnome 3
> --
>  Alex at Armani.PM, IT Consultant / Digital Musician.
> +44 7 972 641 526 - Www.Armani.PM
> tB.xx
> --
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