[ubuntu-studio-users] Focuswrite

Abhayadev S abhayadevs at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 15:24:14 UTC 2013

​he device has an internal mixer which the ALSA is yet to support. I am now
working with the developers to have a patch and test that driver.​ thanks
for your comments and suggestions.. now i am just using the wiring the
driver already had setup while booting up....

Abhayadev S

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Gord L Williams <info at gordlwilliams.com>wrote:

>  Sounds like you are a hair width away from what your trying to
> accomplish.  Can you
> make it work in patchage or something like that (cadence, etc)?
> The delay is usually coming from both a live source (hardware)  and a
> software channel that
> are mashed together somehow.   You can even do this strictly hardware when
> your patching in
> compressors or other gear through a live board for recording or pa.
> Literally it has to be a straight one in one out chain per channel.
> Maybe try just a channel at a
> time to put it through.  Side chains where compressors,  and other gear
> comes in,  can make it hairy.
> Also watch Jack for allowing unwanted chains,  with the engine stopped try
> setting jack to ignore self connect requests.  This may help in sorting
> through the ins and outs.
> Secondly I would look at what the midi clock is doing.   I haven't played
> with midi capable hardware but it could be a synch problem between the
> software and hardware clocks.  (*This about where I exit and run
> screaming,  no synth type stuff for me**)*
> Cheers and luck.
> On 13-09-14 09:00 AM, ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> 2013/9/9 Abhayadev S <abhayadevs at gmail.com> <abhayadevs at gmail.com>
>  Yes, i could use Jack-mixer, and I use it occasionally. It will add delay
> and i need in-hardware monitoring to be enabled.
> Regards,
> Abhayadev S
> O
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