[ubuntu-studio-users] using apogee duet audio interface

Pablo Fernandez pablo.fbus at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 09:50:12 UTC 2013

>something i've noticed in ardour, is if i create a mono track, i barely
get a signal, if a >create a stereo track, i get so much signal i can't
control it. i can run the volume on the >track all the way to zero and it
still clips, so any ideas?

If you create a mono track, the default connection for the input is "In 1"
("system: capture_1" in jack terminology). If you create a stereo track,
the default inputs are In1/In2 for each channel, so I suspect that you need
a mono track with "In2" as the input (You can change this in the Mixer
Window). AND decrease the level in alsamixer if it clips.

The track fader doesn't control the input signal level. You have to adapt
the signal before it reaches ardour (via hardware and/or alsamixer).
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