[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 Release Candidate Call for Testing

Angel de Vicente angelv at iac.es
Wed Oct 16 09:54:17 UTC 2013


I wanted to help with one of the test cases. I've never done an ISO test
before, so perhaps I'm doing something wrong. I downloaded the ISO, I
have an account with the Ubuntu QA site, then I try one of the pages for the
testcases you provided

> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55593/testcases

Then I try to subscribe to the LiveSession testcase and then I get:

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."

I will try later as suggested, but I comment it here just in case I'm
missing something.

Ángel de Vicente
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