[ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 Release Candidate Call for Testing

Glenn Holmer shadowm at lyonlabs.org
Sun Oct 13 18:14:50 UTC 2013

On 10/13/2013 03:43 AM, Ho Wan Chan wrote:
> We are about to release Ubuntu Studio 13.10 on the coming Thursday.
> However, we are desperately in need for testing. Please help us test
> the release candidate images!

I installed into a partition, not whole disk (my test machine has many 
operating systems on it). This was overwriting an existing Ubuntu Studio 
13.04 installation, with separate boot and root partitions.

The first thing I noticed (which I've seen before) is that when I 
selected the first partition (sda10 on /boot), immediately I committted 
my settings I got a dialog titled "Write previous changes to disk and 
continue?" that said "Before you can select a new partition size, any 
previous changes have to be written to disk. You cannot undo this 
operation. Please note that the resize operation may take a long time." 
The partition was not resized; I just confirmed the filesystem type 
(ext2) and mount point (/dev/sda10). No previous changes had been 
requested. cfdisk showed the partition size as 254.99M before 
installation, and 255.02M afterward. This did not occur with the root 
partition (/dev/sda22, XFS).

Shall I file a bug or test report (since this was not a whole-disk 
install as the test spec asks for)? I did file a success report for the 
post-installation test.

P.S. Love the desktop background.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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