[ubuntu-studio-users] A moment of peace and clarity.

Pete Wright pnwright at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 13:08:05 UTC 2013

I haven't seen the "user friendliness" discussion on Blender, but one
senses similar feelings on Gimp discussions and elsewhere.

The thing is that "ease of use" and "ease of learning" are not only not the
same thing, but they tend to be mutually exclusive.

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 4:24 AM, reSet Sakrecoer <sakrecoer at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Gord!
> While i believe Mike Holstein and Kaj Ailomaa answer your question. I
> think i see what you are talking about this time. :)
> I believe there is a similar discussion ignited by Anrew Price in the
> blender community: User Friendliness.
> I know this is a delicate issue, because it's a very hard thing to
> accomplish and also because in many ways it stands on a harsh line between
> 2 scenarios:
> 1. If everything becomes easy. Then the interest for exploration may
> vanish.
> This scenario is not good for future development.
> 2.If everything is hard, less people get involved.
> This scenario is not good for the expansion of the user-base.
> These 2 aspects meet is:
> The user-base creates the development.
> In these aspects, i think ubuntustudio is very good at balancing this
> line. And i want to encourage them in keeping the focus they have shown
> until now. Still, i hope your email will echo in a constructive phase.
> yours,
> Set
> On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
> > wrote:
>> On Sat, 2013-10-12 at 05:35 +0200, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
>> > $ sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER
>> > That's it :)
>> After adding a user to a group, there's the need to log out and in
>> before it takes effect.
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> --
> Set Hallström
> reSet Sakrecoer
> http://sakrecoer.com
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Gord L Williams <info at gordlwilliams.com>wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I have had reaction to some comments I have made,  and I have to say
>> everyone has acted in a very gentile manner.   Its good when we have
>> manners and can express our thought.   Perhaps thats why we are hear rather
>> than opening the box and dancing with the latest iPhone or Windows device.
>> My comments where about not being able to move freely (FOSS) between
>> desktops and choice your poison - yes including imperfect bloatware.  Unity
>> anyone?  Gnome?   -  I actually like Gnome 3 because it presents those I
>> will call,  dancing people,  with a desktop that has a beat,  for them.
>>  "Its cool and I can dance to it."  to get American Bandstand about it.
>> I was in no way attempting to take a swipe at anyone.  I think most of
>> you got that,  but apparently some people read things sideways. You can
>> expect that, if you make statements.  Probably why I will never be in
>> politics.
>> If it was a perfect world,  any distribution would be the same in intent,
>>  regardless of desktop,  meaning menus and software would be the same.  In
>> my crazy world I envision ubuntu - astronomy,  which of course you can say
>> the prospects are looking up for.   Wait the big jokes come later....
>> I see this as an advantage over  dancing peoples devices and os's. Tell
>> us what you are and we have something for you already. Perhaps its as easy
>> as having interest groups modify based on available software,   they choose
>> semi pro stuff like Ardour which seems to be tin-cup ware now,   and truly
>> FOSS. But that may not be the desire.
>> Ubuntustudio does a great job of being a studio.  No knocks at all.   I
>> do not record at a studio professionally for a number of reasons.  The
>> setups and the bookings take time,  and your a number is one reason.  I
>> have recorded in a professional hardware based studio and I managed the
>> talent for that, so my reasoning isn't superfluous.  Sitting on the stool
>> talking into a $3000 microphone is a kick,  but doesn't bring it home
>> economically.   Studio time like that costs and has to be rolled into the
>> price.
>> I have alway been about bringing that cost down,  and very Ubuntu about
>> what I do.  "If a traveler wanders into a village,  the village will see to
>> his needs without a thought as to what they need."   I believe Nelson
>> Mandella close enough.
>> My point is if you can encourage more people to explore their talent as a
>> photographer,  graphic artist, and media producer,  the world will be
>> better.  If the distribution fits more people,  if they can make sense of
>> it without a huge learning curve and yes,  if they can dance around the
>> open box,  so to speak,  as humans tend to do then maybe we have something.
>>   We have something,  not just the geeks that watch their machine
>> efficiently eat up compute cycles for bragging rights.  Thats already
>> there,  enjoy your command line.
>> Often there is great resistance to the paradigm shifting,  and there are
>> reasons and excuses not to move forward on it.   It is a good deal of work
>> for everyone involved in a distribution to make a change,  any change,
>>  even a small one.  A radical change in thinking even more so,  it can be
>> disruptive or worse.   So,  I do not propose that and I never will.
>> Ubuntustudio is a great distribution and has been a great distribution and
>> probably will continue to be so for years to come.
>> That as they say is the bottom line,  thank you Ubuntustudio. Period.
>> --
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> --
> Set Hallström
> reSet Sakrecoer
> http://sakrecoer.com
> --
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