[ubuntu-studio-users] Tunning music files in batch?

Sergio Bello s.bello at newgenesys.it
Wed Nov 20 09:56:30 UTC 2013

Hi Ralf,

I agree with you, and indeed I wrote:

"Here are 10 *more or less* valid reasons to use CLI:"

And then:

"I think that reasons 5 and 6 are the most valuable."

Actually, reason 5 reads: "Commands are more powerful",
and reason 6 reads: "You can automate commands".

Anyway, some of my co-workers have different reasons to love CLI:
reason 1 ("Keying is faster than mousing") had a lot of votes from people
using vi Editor instead of NetBeans IDE.

And I could add a reason 11: "You haven't always a Desktop Interface 
but we are all programmers and sysadmins, and we work a lot on remote 
headless servers,
so our point of view is a bit biased ;)


On 11/19/2013 07:00 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-11-19 at 18:24 +0100, Sergio Bello wrote:
>> http://penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?p=408
> I disagree with the argumentation and I'm a command line user ;). I'm
> simply used to it.
> Representative for the reason that I disagree is this one:
> "Repetitive stress injury comes from the mouse, not the keyboard."
> This is bullshit, my apologize, but it is. I know how hard is it to get
> a good new mouse, if a mouse dies. Some days ago I bought a mouse and
> returned it. However, most people buy wireless massively built mice, if
> I would use such a common mouse, I would get unbearable pain after less
> then 10 minutes. The mice I used and use could/can be used painless 48
> hours without a rest.
> Remembering commands isn't easier than to click, the arguments are
> nonsense.
> The advantages of the command line is flexibility, especially for the
> original Linux approach not to have all in one apps, but single apps for
> individual tasks. E.g. audio session handling is much easier and more
> effective when writing a shell script, instead of using session
> handlers.
> 2 Cents,
> Ralf


Sergio Bello - New Genesys Srl


Via Dante, 188
26100 - Cremona

Via Melibeo, 65
00155 - Roma

email s.bello at newgenesys.it
tel 0372.22.942
fax 0372.56.52.87
mob 393.909.8181

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