Jack and pulse?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Feb 12 20:10:00 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-02-12 at 14:57 -0500, Mac wrote:
> 1.) If I start the browser content, then start qjackctrl, from that
> point on no audio from the jack side of the house. (The PA side still
> shows, in volume control that it's getting to PA.) I can avoid this by
> having a better memory and remembering to start qjack.

This is also an issue without PA. I often used distros that fixed it by
default, today I don't care about this issue. It's possible to get rid
of the problem, but I don't know how, perhaps just following the flash
and gstreamer instruction does help: http://jackaudio.org/faq

However, at least flash won't work anymore for Linux in the near
future ;).

IIRC I once edited gstreamer, perhaps the method was a little bit
different, than it is described by the current FAQs.

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