[ubuntu-studio-users] Libre Office for Ubuntu Studio

Ho Wan Chan smartboyhw at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 08:42:31 UTC 2013

Hello Syamsul,

We are discussing whether to put LibreOffice into our DVD images. The
reason for us not to put it in before is that we are based on Xubuntu
(which same as us does not have LibreOffice as default). We might add
it to our future images. We will decide in due course.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Howard Chan (smartboyhw)
Ubuntu Studio Release Manager

2013/8/2 Syamsul Arifin <relungimaji at gmail.com>:
> I think it is a good idea for the Ubuntu Studio Team to add Libre
> Office in Ubuntu Studio DVD. Libre Office is helpful for me when i am
> using Scribus.
> Sorry my english is bad.
> --
> Syamsul "isul" Arifin
> Book: PMS (Penyakit Menular Seluar)
> http://www.mizan.com/index.php?fuseaction=buku_full&id=3590
> http://www.cartoonesia.web.id
> --
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