Change Default Settings Guest Session

Art Slurry info at
Wed Sep 12 15:59:32 UTC 2012

On 09/12/2012 11:43 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> I don't understand? Do you want to know, what to take care about, if 
> you add a second, third, ... user? AFAIK only the first users get 
> admin privileges by default. Any additional user doesn't get them. 
> You'll run into issues, if a user without admin privileges needs to 
> change CPU frequency scaling. Regarding to the level of security you 
> need, take a look how to handle "sudo" and "policykit", perhaps you 
> can bypass policykit by e.g. setting SUID for e.g. frequency scaling. 
> Perhaps you need to manually add additional users to some groups, 
> perhaps "audio". Did you already add a new test-user? If so, is 
> something bad? Regards, Ralf 

Good afternoon Ralf, thank you for your response,

UbuntuStudio 12.04 - Guest Session Login.  From the login screen, guest 
logs in, and the default theme, background and launchers on desktop 
remain the same for each login on the guest account.  I want to change 
the settings of that account (e.g. place specific launchers on the 
desktop, open the launcher automatically so a non-linux user doesn't 
have to 'find it', theme and font changes, etc.)  When they log out, all 
settings return to default for the next session, but I want the settings 
mentioned above to remain for the next login.

I like that the guest account does not require a password and sets up 
home in /tmp, making visitors access easy and less trouble for me, but I 
want to change the way it looks and make some changes... i can find 
'workarounds' for the themes and so forth, but I want to do it correctly 
and know how to add launchers that will remain for the next login

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