help, my Jack doesn't work anymore

Arcangelo Sisto arcangelo.sisto at
Wed Oct 10 09:56:25 UTC 2012


sorry, we wrote italian messages in a english  mailing list..
Beppe solved the problem by re-installing the system.

Thank you!


2012/10/4 Tim Krone <tim at>

> Hi,
> sorry I don't understand italian. But I got a similar problem sometime.
> Have you ever tried to start jack directly from terminal in verbose mode?
> Perhaps there will be some more detailed information.
> Another possibility is a kernel update: Perhaps you have a generic kernel
> installed that jack won't like for realtime processing. So possibly jack
> will start when you disable realtime?
> Cheers
> Tim
> Arcangelo Sisto <arcangelo.sisto at> schrieb:
>> No mi spiace sono un neofita di ubuntustudio e da qualche mese lavoro in
>> ufficio con linux quindi sto diventando quasi esperto! ho trovato questa
>> mailing list e non riesco neanche tanto a starle dietro.
>> ubuntustudio lo vorrei usare per farci qualcosina non tanto per
>> homerecording ma per live, quindi sono un po' bloccato dalla carenza di
>> hardware, specialmente la scheda audio. mi riservo di rimanere aggiornato e
>> prima o poi di provare qualcosa di meglio.
>> Ogni tanto vengo a leggere le mail, comunque mi sembrano tutti bravi
>> quelli che rispondono.
>> Saluto
>> Arcangelo
>> 2012/10/2 Beppe Zupa <beppe at>
>>> Ciao,
>>> grazie mille per la risposta.
>>> purtroppo ho già formattato e installato la beta della 12.10 e quindi
>>> non riesco a replicare l'errore.
>>> Comunque fa piacere che ci siano altri italiani qui, così in caso di
>>> problemi riusciamo ad aiutarci meglio.
>>> sai se c'è qualche mailing list solo italiana?
>>> Grazie
>>> Beppe
>>> 2012/10/2 Arcangelo Sisto <arcangelo.sisto at>
>>>> Ciao e` successo qualcosa di molto simile anche a me tempo fa. la
>>>> stringa "Client name = qjackctl conflits with another running client"
>>>> sembra indicare che jack non riesca a connettersi al socket perche` la
>>>> scheda audio e` occupata da altri processi. a me e` successo varie volte
>>>> con vlc, oppure semplicemente con qualche video di youtube. Se il problema
>>>> ce l'hai anche all'avvio potrebbe essere causato dal caricamento automatico
>>>> di Rythmbox (nel pannello quando clicchi sul controllo volume spesso ti
>>>> dice che qualche programma e` attivato). Spero tu sia italiano, seno` ti
>>>> rispondo in inglese o tedesco :-S ciao
>>>> 2012/9/17 Beppe Zupa <beppe at>
>>>>> thanks a lot for your reply.
>>>>> i tried your solution, but nothing is changed.
>>>>> when i start qjackctl it seems freezed. I can get control of it just
>>>>> only killing the jackd process. and if i start it again, it launchs jackd,
>>>>> but it's freezed (until killng jackd).
>>>>> I'm thinking on a new install of ubuntustudio, but i don't like this
>>>>> solution :-(
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Beppe
>>>>> 2012/9/16 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at>
>>>>>> On Sun, 2012-09-16 at 10:19 +0200, Beppe Zupa wrote:
>>>>>> > hi friends,
>>>>>> > i don't know what's happens on my notebook, but from a day to other
>>>>>> > the Jack on my ubuntustudio 12.04 has stopped to work.
>>>>>> > i attached the log at this email, in hope someone could help me.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > it seems that another app is locking audio resource, but i don't
>>>>>> know
>>>>>> > how to find this app to kill.
>>>>>> Your card does support 22050Hz? Please try 44100Hz, but first run
>>>>>> jack_control exit
>>>>>> killall -9 -w jackd jackdbus
>>>>>> then run jackd, but add LC=C before the jackd command to force English
>>>>>> output, e.g.
>>>>>> LC=C jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p128 -n2 -Xseq
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Ralf
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