Xfce with and without GNOME apps = more and more issues

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Jun 12 11:05:04 UTC 2012

If I launch gparted all partitions are mounted and for each partition an
instance of Thunar is opened. There's nothing more absurd, than to
auto-mount partitions, when running an app that should handle unmounted
partitions. At least for me more worse is, that it will mount partitions
that shouldn't be mounted with write access, without noatime etc., since
those partitions should be recovered.
This Xfce-GNOME mix IMO is broken and btw. sometimes the system doesn't
response anymore. I experienced this the first time for Ubuntu Studio
Precise with Xfce4, when running Firefox, but at least one other install
that was stable for a long time, did follow Ubuntu Studio's borked
behavior. On that other Linux (Arch) I'm running a more updated version
of Evolution, than I do on US. In the future there will be additional
issues with GNOME apps on Xfce. For this version of Evolution some color
combinations became unreadable.

Doesn't have anybody else issues with current Xfce4?


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