Audio interface analysis (AD/DA performance, preamp quality)
Thijs van severen
thijsvanseveren at
Thu Aug 2 10:11:52 UTC 2012
2012/8/2 Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum at>
> Hi folks,
> just a quick and hopefully easy question: What tool is there for
> Linux/JACK to do measurements of audio interface performance, comparable to
> what RightMark Audio Analyzer does? I'd like to measure data as displayed on
> (at best a comparable methodology since RMAA seems to be some kind of
> standard for this).
> Of course I can generate some sine waves & sweeps and write programs to
> compare WAVs, but for sure there is some tool for GNU/Linux that has the
> procedure automated already, right?
> Another "of course": Of course, I'd like the computed spectral data not
> only pictures but also as plain (ASCII) data, p.ex. to be able to subtract
> spectra to determine what a microphone does on its own before entering a
> specific preamp.
> Alrighty then,
> Thomas
> PS: And if you have used that program already, I'd be interested in
> comparing performance measurements of my low-grade stuff with your high-end
> gear;-)
> --
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Hi Thomas
i cant help you with this :-S
but if you dont get any reaction from this list i would suggest asking your
question on LAD (i know that there are several people on that list that
have experience with measurements and stuff like that)
follow me on my Audio & Linux blog <> !
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