Audio interface analysis (AD/DA performance, preamp quality)

Thomas Orgis thomas-forum at
Thu Aug 2 09:32:59 UTC 2012

Hi folks, 

just a quick and hopefully easy question: What tool is there for Linux/JACK to do measurements of audio interface performance, comparable to what RightMark Audio Analyzer does? I'd like to measure data as displayed on

(at best a comparable methodology since RMAA seems to be some kind of standard for this).

Of course I can generate some sine waves & sweeps and write programs to compare WAVs, but for sure there is some tool for GNU/Linux that has the procedure automated already, right?

Another "of course": Of course, I'd like the computed spectral data not only pictures but also as plain (ASCII) data, p.ex. to be able to subtract spectra to determine what a microphone does on its own before entering a specific preamp.

Alrighty then,


PS: And if you have used that program already, I'd be interested in comparing performance measurements of my low-grade stuff with your high-end gear;-)
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