Install Studio or desktop Ubuntu and/or the Server, addition.

G L Romeu romeug at
Thu Oct 27 14:16:43 UTC 2011

I am not sure the rationale for installing the separate programs as
adding or eliminating functionality/programs in Ubuntu is so simple.  I
have essentially loaded most of the Ubuntu Studio into the desktop
Ubuntu in an earlier distribution, and i can't see why you cannot add in
server capabilities in studio or any of the programs you are interested
from desktop (are any missing?).
There are a couple of GUI's currently floating around, but they are
easily implemented by choice in the initial portal screen.

> Hi all.  I'm a real newbie to Ubunto and trying  to figure out how to
> install it.  I think I'm primarily interested in the Studio version but also
> curious about desktop and server versions and I'm not sure if I can install
> them all together or if that's even possible?
> I've got a windows machine that I plan on using for Pro Tools and Ubuntu
> Studio.  Currently Windows lives on an SSD as does my DAW software and I
> have two more drives, one for plugins and one for samples.  I have a fifth
> drive that  has 500GB I plan on using for Ubuntu Studio but what I'm not
> sure about is if I want install the desktop version first and then install
> the Studio version on top of it, or should I just install Ubuntu Studio and
> install the desktop and Server versions on another machine (or a live CD)?
> I think I should just install the studio version.Thanks in advance for any
> guidance about my quandary..

Gabriel L Romeu

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